Thursday, May 12, 2011


I get the odd feeling that as the days get shorter I'm staying awake later and sleeping less, which makes me believe I might acutally be nocturnal. Since my teen years, I've always suspected that I am more of an evening person. As an adult though I think it's just called ADHD.

That aside though, it's been a busy week. Today I handed in the last of my major essay assignments. I just have two minor essays and a film project remaining, and then I'm all but ready for exams. Fucking third-year workloads, it's driving everyone a little insane. We sit in the Mendi lab (perhaps I'll include a photo or two) and edit films late into the night. Doing this repeatedly and not sleeping very much may often lead people to burst into song spontaneously, not remember how to do the simplest tasks and create a.. er.. craving. For something organic. Unlike the room with trillions of electrons flying around and creating data that appears on the screen, which somehow becomes a film with enough work. The final film project I'm working on is a medical docu-drama about ER24, and it should be ready for screening this Wednesday. I'm merely helping director Ben with his editing. This will undoubtedly cause more nocturnal habits for the next few days. Perhaps then I'll go insane too. But at least I'll have an audience.

The Thing of the Day that You should Check Out: It is exactly what it says, and will explain a lot if you're one of those people that just believes drugs are bad. M'kay?

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